Friday, February 02, 2007

Sinning Against Free Speech

Saddam's cat has relocated from Baghdad to GK as bunker
cat for all the First - Amendment enemies there who cooperated in shutting down Lee De Cesare's email because they want the HCC email for exclusive use for their spin. Saddametta (for it is a girl) will remind these GK barbarians of the wages of sinning against free speech.

Here is the kitty-litter-cleaning-duty list: Le Bruce Judd, La Donna Allen, Le Stephen Gorham: Litter-box duty rotates every third day or until someone keels over from cat-pee fumes .

John H. Huerta, Jr., gets permanent feeding duty of kitty. She (for it is a she) prefers Kibbles and Bits. Le Huerta can pay for kitty food out of miscellaneous funds or can insert “Cat Food” on the Board Agenda for sanction by the Board of Trustees.


From: Allen, Donna > To: Judd, Bruce > Date: Nov 28 2006 - 12:08pm ? Acceptable Use Policy.doc - 6Sk - View in Outlook


Perhaps this would be a good time to send out a reminder notice regarding the policy below.

Lee DeCesare is no longer an HCC employee and does not live or work in this county. We are not county school employees. Even if that was the case, if one person is allowed to overload our inboxes with rants and ravings, then we must open the door to others. Oh, the shame and bother to the GK Pooh-Bahs of “opening the door” to the riff-raff of “others.” ldd

Donna Allen ---Original Message-­From: Judd, Bruce

Sent: Thursday, January 19, 2006 4:41 PM To: HCC


Subject: Recent emails related to the 'Hate Group' discussion


Ms. Allen is as week in civics as she is in the subjunctive mood. “Was” should be “were.” She also has recourse to only a shallow pool of diction. “Rants” and “ravings” are trailer-park invective. One expects more from a person in academic environments. Ms. Ruff-n’tuffspeak might want to watch Prime Minister’s Question Time on the BBC to pick up some tips on refinement of language for academic vitriol. Reading Aristophanes, Juvenal, Horace, Rabelais, Chaucer, and Swift wouldn’t hurt either.

When matriculant Donna completes that list— entails reading the entire body of each writer’s output--she is to report to my office. Teacher will give her another list. If taxpayers can’t get rid of these academic hangers-on of marginal abilities, we must educate them.

My old man served as mayor in our little beach town for a dozen years. The mayor before him had disgraced himself by refusing to let a man from Michigan address the Mayor’s Council because he didn’t live in the town.

The SP Times lit into this parochial fellow as a civics barbarian, and citizens still make a joke of him at the post office. Fortunately, he died because he would have never won another election, and politics was his life.

I suspect why La Donna is mad at me. I complained about a sexist billboard which, I infer, she thought up. Here’s the email I sent to Stephenson several years ago; apparently, La Donna has been simmering since:

Dr. Gwen Stephenson


Hillsborough Community College

P.O. Box 31127

Tampa, FL 33631

Dear Dr. Stephenson:

I come infrequently to Tampa since my retirement. Yesterday was one of the occasions that I did.

As I was driving down Dale Mabry past the college, I spied the large HCC billboard across from the stadium advertising opportunities for students at HCC. Its cast was five imaginary students: four men and one woman. The woman wore a miniskirt that showed a lot of leg. There was a token Black man and a token Asian man. I think the Black man was in fire-fighter regalia.

Pictures are potent subliminal symbols. They reveal the psyche of the collective conscious of the population in which they appear. The symbolism of this picture reminds me of the symbolism of the Confederate flag that flies over the capital in Columbia, S.C. The flag reminds us of the degradation of slavery. The HCC billboard symbolizes the continuing degradation of sexism, with a woman showing her legs as a reminder that her real worth to the male-dominated world is her erotic appeal, not the abilities she may acquire at a community college. The ratio of four men to one woman confirms this pro-male bias. The man in the fire-fighter suit annoyed me since twenty-five years ago as Employment Discrimination chair of the National Organization for Women I convinced the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission and the Justice Department to open up the Tampa Fire Department to qualified women, who would wear firefighter outfits, not miniskirts.

One would think that now that HCC has a Black woman as president that such images of the college would not adorn its billboards. Did you approve this photo, Dr. Stephenson? If so, how can you defend its sexism and implicit racism? If not, do your staff people so little fear you that they can mount such advertisements with impunity?

I infer this ad to have been concocted either by a man or by a female Aunt Tom. Please take that sign down and put up one that more accurately reflects the college goal of equal opportunity. Lower that young woman’s skirt or put her in a pair of slacks. Women as sex objects on HCC billboards will earn my continuing protests.

Lee Drury De Cesare

15316 Gulf Boulevard 802

Madeira Beach, FL 33708



From Dr. Judd:

Just a reminder to all HCC users:

The current Acceptable Use Policy (attached) is quoted below. Please note and consider the first and third paragraphs below before you distribute any email. The emails concerning the "national hate group' do not fall within the duties, instructional or official business Comma of the college. This email and all similar emails are inappropriate in light of the primary purpose of the HCC information technology resources and the fact that all technology systems owned by HCC are considered state property. While the recent spate of emails are expressing first amendment protected No matter how much the HCC administrative cabal dislikes the circumstance, “First Amendment” warrants capitals in Standard English. “First-Amendment-protected” is a hyphenated adjective before a noun. personal opinions, they are not related in any way to the business or mission of the college and thus are inappropriate for distribution via the college's email system. For this reason users should find another venue to express these opinions.

Access to HCC's information technology resources is a privilege granted to HCC users (faculty, staff and students) in support of their studies, instruction, duties as employees, official business with the College, and/or other No capital: College-sanctioned activities. Access may also be granted to individuals outside of HCC for purposes consistent with the mission of the College. Who’s the gatekeeper for this privilege? Is his name Goebbels?

With the exception of implicitly publicly accessible resources such as websites, “Web sites” is an open compound; “Web” gets a capital. access to HCC information technology resources may not be transferred or extended by members of the College No capital community to outside individuals or groups without prior approval of the appropriate faculty, staff member Comma in Standard English. or administrator. Such access must be limited in nature and fall within the scope of the educational mission of the institution. The authorizing College official is expected to ensure that such access is not abused. What are Herr Goebbels’s phone and office numbers? How many eavesdropping Storm Troopers keep out anything the administration does not like?

Gaining access to the College's information technology resources does not imply the right to use those resources. Logic: Then why “gain access” to them? The College reserves the right to limit, restrict, remove Comma or extend access to and privileges within, material posted on, or communications via its information technology resources, No comma consistent with this policy, Right here you depart the world of sense. The sentence does not scan. applicable law or as the result of College disciplinary processes, and irrespective of the originating access point. Scotty, beam me up.

It is expected that these resources will be used efficiently and responsibly in support of the mission of the College as set forth in this policy. All other use not consistent with this policy may be considered unauthorized use.

Please remember, Colon access to our technology resources is a privilege, Grammar felony: comma splice however, unauthorized or unacceptable use of these resources can result of ?? restriction of access to these tools. OIT has no desire to repress a free and lively debate, What makes me not believe this assertion? It’s senseless from here on: however emails the official communication medium for the college and is not designed to be a vehicle for the distribution of personal opinions, no matter how strongly held by the originator of the email. This outpouring of bureaucratese in the passive voice is mere verbal static. Did I hear someone second a motion to Backer-act the specimen who keyed in this piffle?

Thank you for keeping the limitations established by the Acceptable Use Policy in mind when you use HCC Technology resources.

Vice President for Information Technology Hillsborough Community College

BoxP.O. Box 31127

Tampa, FL 33631-3127

Phone: 813-253-7091 Fax: 813-259-6018


I submit one has a right—no, a duty---to question the data in this paragraph, not to mention the grammar, punctuation, and logic. Its execrable style alone demands challenge. Dr. Judd’s is not college-level writing. It is not even remedial junior-high writing. In the last paragraph, the author moves into whackado territory of senseless verbiage. If I can find out the name of the institution that granted Le Judd his doctorate, I will write the president and complain about such students’ getting advanced degrees to foist themselves off on the taxpayers of Florida and draw bloated salaries without ability to write plain American sentences.

Let’s zero in on the definition of “mission,” reverently and mysteriously cited several times. Le Judd makes it sound like the Holy Grail, buried in the bowels of the GK redoubt in an airless cave guarded by the Knights of the Bunker Technology Roundheads. I submit Dr. Judd’s idea of “mission” differs from mine—and probably from that of a lot of other sane people.

Less fevered evaluation of the mission of the college insists that it is an institution dedicated to education, of which “lively debate” that the GK myrmidons try to shut up because they are too limited to engage in it is a prime ingredient. I submit the “mission” of a bona fide institution of higher learning doesn’t shut out members of the community who might insist on commenting on the “mission” addicts’ kicking out the long-term HCC Bookstore people with no pensions and no health care; and it does not include those who want to protest the dumping of little Head Start kids to put up luxury housing to fit the administration’s “business model.”

Nor does this brutal administration “mission” show evidence of ethical behavior, which modeling is a supreme function of the mission of the college as it applies to the students and the entire college family. A college’s mission is not to teach ethical barbarism.

I believe the college administration fascists want to shut out anything traversing email except their authoritative zeig-heil missives. And want to shut down any voice from inside the college—much less outside—as Deep Throat’s revelation attests to in reporting Barbara Larsen’s directing a surveillance of two bookstore employees who came to a Board of Trustees meeting to object to their jobs’ demise and their being abandoned to the mercy of the minimum-wage ghetto with no health care and their pensions gone with the rubberstamp of the administration’s immoral plans to turn the bookstores over to a subcontractor.


Now Let’s Pay Attention to the Big Technology Crybaby, a.k.a Director of Networks and Telecommunications, Not to Mention

Chief Information-Security Officer

Will some good soul check to see that our Director of Networks and Telecommunications Chief Information Security Officer has an adequate supply of Pampers?

From: Gorham, Stephen []
Tuesday, January 23, 2007 9:04 AM
Subject: RE:

Lee De Cesare,

Please remove my email address from your mailing list.


Stephen Gorham

Hillsborough Community College

Director Networks and Telecommunications

Chief Information Security Officer


All together now: POOOOOr BAAABykins!

Stephen, you are a technology person as well as a past Florida Senate candidate, I believe. Surely you know the block-sender maneuver. Otherwise, you are being pretentious in showing how doctrinally pure you are in your adhesion to the ethics of ignorance, which say, "Learn nothing new; stay dumb."

I believe you are the fellow who told me when I called to have my email turned back on that I must confess to being a spammer and subject to the full panoply of the anti-spamming laws that could put me in the slammer for the duration. This was a particularly unethical sally on your part since you knew you had messed up and left the addresses for the entire college on the Web.

We never got around to discussing what punishment suits a college technology guy who shuts down a person's email for a public institution when that person shut out is discussing the business of the college from another viewpoint than the GK propaganda rigmarole.

Anybody who lusts for public office ought to have better sense than to construct a history of opposing the First Amendment since he/she has to take an oath of office to defend the Constitution if he/she wins. That record will haunt you if you run again. Rely on me to sing like a canary about your history of shutting down free speech if you run in the future. I will call all the political reporters and remind them. Press people don't like First-Amendment opponents since the press is out of business without the First Amendment. Advice: don't fight the First Amendment. We wouldn't have a democracy without it, and this entire administration would be doing bedchecks in some Gulag archipelago.

I will delete you if I happen to run across your name in my multiple lists, but meanwhile, you can call a computer teacher for beginning keyboarding and get him or her to instruct you on the Block Sender command.


Alert from Deep Throat: Remember, the GK Spy Team Is Watching You!

This past November, (If I gave you exact date/time/location my identity would be revealed; I would face inunediate dismissal.) HCC vice president Barbara Larson while speaking to HCC -- 1j 11] - said the following, quote: I can see those two bookstore workers who spoke up at the board meeting are going to be a big problem. Start documenting things against them. Ithen said the following, quote: I’m already on it. ’

Barbara Larson was most likely referring to the two HCC bookstore supervisors (Beverly Muller and Leann Horwood) who spoke up against outsourcing HCC bookstore operations at the 11/15/06 board meeting. I enclosed for you a copy of 11/15/06 board meeting minutes.

I’ve been with HCC for many, many years. and have witnessed administrators and their eager and willing department heads punish those who speak a differing voice. I fear that those two courageous bookstore supervisors will be punished for speaking out.

Back in 1999, Gwendolyn Stephenson. Sue Flaig and a bevy of managers, made up false charges against a HCC bookstore supervisor Miriam Del Rio. The bogus charges were later dropped ( hired attorney John W. Bakas, Jr.), but she was

deliberately harassed and eventually had to file a claim with the EEOC. I enclosed for you copies of internal HCC documents on that matter.

The lengths to which HCC administrators go to eliminate perceived threats to beyond belief.

1/17/20073:08 PM